Marketing is About Listening

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I’ve always had an affinity for Steinbeck and his poignant lines riddled throughout classics like Of Mice and Men, East of Eden, Grapes of Wrath and too many to list in this entry. From the poetic rolling hills dotting Central California that he so often wrote about came boundless wisdom and a keen examination of humanity as I’ve not found in many writers. And while I could use many, many words to describe the affection and admiration for Steinbeck’s writings and sense of literary style, this is a blog about marketing…

There is a great myth in the American business narrative about what qualifies as good communication and competent marketing. During my time working with small business clients I hear people say over and over again that they just ‘need a facebook page’ or to set up a social media platform; and I’ll be the last person in the World to tell them their wrong (and if so I am surely out of a job). However, social media will do absolutely NOTHING for a businesses if they are unwilling to incorporate a little Steinbeck in their marketing plan.

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